Image Bank


Skye's Image Bannk

Colors: dirty, once saturated but faded–blues, greens, shades of gray and white. The stories will have a little more surrealistic vibrance–more like the photos of the willow trees.

Line/Shape: I imagine the interrogation room to consistent of a lot of harsh lines and patterns. I really like the checkered floor in the photo with all of the hospital beds. The story world will have a lot more organic shapes, and it will also be "off-kilter"–like in a Tim Burton movie where all the houses kind of tilt off center. I like the idea of messing with the audience's perception throughout the play, and creating a way for all of the rigid lines of the interrogation room and the "real world" to suddenly seem more "off" as the story world invades.

Texture: I'm interested in smoothness for the interrogation room–everything should be able to be wiped down really easily every time they interrogate someone and get the room all bloody. I'm also interested in padded walls.

Other thoughts: Kathi and I talked a lot about the set before break (and I'm not sure how much she passed on to all of you, so forgive me if I'm being repetitive). Right now it seems like the audience will be orientated in a proscenium style on the short wall to your left (when you go in the main doors to the studio, that wall that's on your left underneath the air vent). I really want to make use of levels, and right now it seems like there will be 2 levels–the interrogation room being on the lower level, and the story world being on an upper level that jutts out from the ledge that's already part of the studio architecture. I want to make the set move-able and alterable– I really like the idea of the actors being able to manipulate it and play with it (like what if there was a wall made out of spandex material that the ensemble could manipulate to make it look like they were melting through the walls?!) In terms of costumes: I'm going to talk with the actors when everyone starts rehearsal in January, but so far I'm thinking suits for Tupolski/Ariel, and I know I want the Pillowman to be dressed in all-white (probably with a long white trenchcoat).

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